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Let's play, dance, sing and dance together.

All in a Carnival mask for a fun day to share with young and older. The game of the pentolaccia is a classic of the Carnival.

A popular game popular in the courts and squares where the participants blindly strike crock pots suspended in the air and containing sweets, candies and coriandoli and other carnivals surprises. The player, blindfolded, tries to break the crock and if he does, he wins the content, whatever it is.

The pentolacce have become safer paper bags for the occasion, but the fun remains the same. The appointment is at 15 in Piazza Cittadella with snack and other games. The Carnival mask is strictly recommended.

In case of rain the appointment is moved to 10 March.

9 march 2019
Start / End Time
16:00 / 19:00
Puccini Museum, Piazza Cittadella 5 - Lucca
admission free

Comitato san Paolino
piazza san Pierino
FB /Comitato san Paolino