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First celebration of Dantedì, the day dedicated to Dante Alighieri recently established by the government (ì). On March 25, in fact, it is the date that scholars identify as the beginning of the otherworldly journey of the Divine Comedy.

The appointment is for 12:00 on Wednesday 25 March, peak time when everyone is called to read Dante and rediscover the verses of the Comedy. The celebrations, albeit remotely, continue throughout the day on social networks, with pills, streaming readings, performances dedicated to Dante, with the official hashtags # Dantedì and #IoleggoDante.

The IMT High Studies Lucca School contributes to the first Dantedì through a virtual meeting in streaming at 5:00 pm on IMT facebook page entitled Muri, terreni instabili, ponti: Cristianesimo e Islam tra Dante Alighieri e il presente (Walls, unstable terrains, bridges: Christianity and Islam between Dante Alighieri and the present). Introduction by Pietro Pietrini, Director of the IMT School. Speakers Amos Bertolacci, Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy, IMT School.
Between iconographic material and extracts from the Divine Comedy, prof. Bertolacci leads the public on the trail of the illustrious representatives of the Islamic world that Dante places in various capacities in his Poem. A journey through the infernal circles to discover how contemporary that medieval vision can be today. A vision that is projected today in the rediscovery of an intercultural dialogue between the two monotheisms able to ignore religious beliefs and dogmas of faith.

March 25, 2020
Start / End Time
17:00 / 18:00
Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca FB page Video Streaming
Free admission

Scuola di Alti Studi IMT Lucca
Piazza S. Ponziano, 6 - Lucca
Campus: Piazza S. Francesco, 19 - Lucca - FB / IMT-School-for-Advanced-Studies-Lucca
tel. +39 0583 4326561 -