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A great artist of the sixteenth century, a small enigma and the charm of new technologies: here is "served" Pontormo in 3D, an exhibition entirely conceived and produced by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.


An evocative video-story, a film dedicated to Ritratto di giovinetto painted by Pontormo around 1525 and now kept in the Palazzo Mansi National Museum.
A two-story story through the story of the work and the artist's psychology, which proposes a small journey into art, its mechanisms, revealing how behind the construction of a masterpiece are mostly people in flesh and bone.


The work is probably one of the most important Renaissance art pieces in Lucca: produced by the eccentric Jacopo Carucci from Pontorm.

20 / 23 september 2017

Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Lucca
Lucca, Via San Micheletto 3
Tel. 0583.472611