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Today Friday 6 September from 6.30 pm in the Church of San Cristoforo in Lucca - Inauguration of the Photo Exhibition entitled Raccontare Lucca (Telling Lucca). 70 years of photo archives Foto Alcide is the title of both the exhibition and the catalog that the company presents to the city. The exhibition is set up by the architect Anna Martorana.

Photojournalism, gossip, sport, fashion and costume. Without nostalgia, the exhibition Raccontare Lucca describes how we were and how we became: a passage, between yesterday and today, marked in a digital advent photograph. A challenge that Foto Alcide anticipated and won: and so, between black and white shots ranging from 1949 to the present day, you can browse through the disappeared market stalls in Piazza Anfiteatro or Carmine as well as return to the first editions of Lucca Summer Festival and Lucca Comics and Games: events that already have the flavor of great history.

The exhibition will be open until 29 September at 10:00 am / 7:00 pm.


Image removed.


The event is included in the September Lucchese 2019 calendar.

6 / 29 september 2019
Chiesa di San Cristoforo, Via Fillungo, 9 - Lucca
admission free

Foto Alcide S.N.C. Di Tosi Alessandro & C.
Via Mazzini, 40 - Lucca
tel. 0583 392013 -

FB / foto.alcide