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436 Classical High Schools throughout Italy open their doors to citizenship.

Marathons of readings by ancient and modern poets; dramatizations in Italian and foreign languages; exhibitions of plastic and visual arts; concerts and musical and choreographic activities; book presentations and meetings with authors; short films and cineforums; scientific experiments; themed tastings inspired by the ancient world ... and much more, left to the free inventiveness and creativity of young people guided by their teachers.

At the Liceo Classico "N.Machiavelli" the dense evening program includes:

at 18:00 Aula Magna - opening with common readings and video projections followed by a lecture given by Dr. Silvia Marcucci, President of the local Dante Alighieri Society, entitled "Boccaccio comments Dante".

20:45 - Aula Magna: "Antigone" by Sophocles and "Le Baccanti" by Euripides. Costumes, scenes, revision of texts and choice of music by the students of class V.
A seuire: performance by the school choir.
"Light and Darkness" readings of poetic texts with musical accompaniment on the theme.
"Agamemnon" by Aeschylus, reading the first thirty-eight verses.

During the evening, famous people from the past will animate the loggia and the monumental staircase to welcome visitors, and a musical group of students will entertain the guests during breaks. The Natural Science Cabinet will be open for visits by the students of the Arcadia School Cooperative.

17 january 2020
ingresso gratuito

Liceo Classico N. Machiavelli
via degli Asili, 35  - Lucca
tel. 0583 496471 -
