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ARTOWN - Contemporary Art Exhibition

Not only the Middle Ages and Renaissance in the walled city. Art is a habit that has been preserved to this day. In 1977, the Lucchese Association of Art Figurative gave to the Municipality of Lucca 140 works of painting, sculpture and graphics designed for the constitution of a permanent Museum of Modern Art that valorizes the important artistic heritage; since then the collection has been enriched with numerous private donations, which have so far been dispersed in various communal offices or stored in stores that are not accessible to the public.


Welcome heroes to LC&G 2017!

Year 51: Lucca Comics and Games can be Heroes ... at least for 5 days!

The second half century of the Festival opens with the "manifesto" of the values ​​shared with the audience. New guests announced in the Activision Square, (Santa Maria Square). It will be dedicated to the Heroes of paper, pixel, celluloid, but above all in flesh and bone heroes who travel to create each year the largest community event in Europe.


Walk: a special experience that continues to train Europeans

Santiago de Compostela, Via Francigena, Sant'Olav Street. The Council of Europe's Itineraries also include real paths along which our History has been built and that it is possible to walk through the stairs for the night as they were pilgrims, knights and merchants in the past.


On foot, by bicycle, on horseback or on the back of a donkey like Robert Louis Stevenson who in 1878 left Monastier-sur-Gazeille (Upper Loire) with Modestine donkey and in 12 days of travel and many adventures came to Saint-Jean -du-Gard.


Lucca and the potential of European Cultural Routes

The opportunities that the Forum and the Itinerary Program offer to our territory

Towards the Forum of cultural routes of Europe

From 27 to 29 September 2017 Lucca will host the annual Forum of Cultural Itineraries of the Council of Europe, a program that our territory, for history and heritage, is linked from different points of view.


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