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The Amateatro festival is back, this year at the Nieri theater in Ponte a Moriano. The participating companies have been selected by the theater association Nando Guarnieri.

On Saturday 18 January 2020 at 5:00 pm, the company Quelli del Progettino stages È tutto un gioco di letteratura, dramaturgy and direction by Nicola Cosentino.

A class not exactly passionate of studying, a particularly meticulous teacher, music and words that merge trying to remember some of the most famous literary works in the world. This and much more, along with a good laugh, a part of the new show.

For information: +39 388 8338259.

January 18, 2020
€ 5,00 / € 10,00

Teatro Comunale I. Nieri
P.zza Cesare Battisti - Ponte a Moriano (LU)
cell. 320 6320032 -