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On Sunday 8 December 2019 at 5:00pm at Palazzo Gigli, headquarters of the BPM bank, event entitled Puccini Off "Destini intrecciati tra note e trame". The exclusive end-of-year charity event for fundraising for the Italian Red Cross section of Lucca, organized by the La Bohème Club of Lucca, chaired by the soprano Silvana Froli, known in the area for the organization of important solidarity and artistic events.

The event focuses on the creation of 6 fashion shows, enriched by a musical journey through the 12 Puccini operas with Laura Pasqualetti on the piano and the two sopranos Silvana Froli and Rosa Perez Suarez who will perform the Maestro's most famous arias. Tiziana Criscuoli presents the event.

Clothes and accessories made by fashion houses and artisans from Lucca will be on show during the 6 performances. Event with admission ticket. Maximum number of participants: 150.

8 December 2019
€ 25,00

Associazione Club La Boheme 
Via Borgo Giannotti, 19 - Lucca
cell. 347 3578758

FB / ClubLaBoheme