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The Feast of the Glorification of the Holy Cross is the most important feast of the city of Lucca celebrated with a candlelight procession by night.

According to legend, the miraculous cross, kept in the basilica of San Frediano, disappeared and was then found in the gardens of the San Martino church. The event was repeated several times until the inhabitants of Lucca finally decided to transfer the cross in the San Martino church.

The origins of the feast are very ancient and the first mention of the date of the 14th September as the legal deadline of the celebrations date back to 1118. In that period it the main feast in the city.

Sunday 13th September, in the San Martino Cathedral
6:00 pm - Celebration of the first vespers (max 250 seats) presided by the Archbishop. Music by the Cathedral's Santa Cecilia choir.
9.00 pm - Performance of the mottet "In tempore difficultatis" by the Santa Cecilia choir. On the kettledrums: Federica Martinelli. On the organ: Giulia Biagetti. Director: Luca Bacci.
Live broadcast on NoiTv.

Saturday 14th September
In the morning the Volto Santo cross will be decorated with a precious dress and the cahapel will be opened for the prayers.

Reservations are required for liturgical celebrations through the Diocese website (

The event is part of the September Lucchese 2020 calendar.

Due to the covid19 virus containment measures, the traditional "Luminara" procession will not take place this year.

September 13/14, 2020
Start / End Time
6:00 pm / 8:00 pm
San Martino church, Lucca
Free admission

Comune di Lucca
Via Santa Giustina, 6 - Lucca
tel. +39 0583 4422